20 Eleanor Street
Narrabri NSW
2390 Australia
Stockfeed & Produce
Horse Feed |
Poultry Feed |
Pig Feed |
Sheep & Cattle Feed |
Grains |
Other feeds |
Horse Feed

Ridley Agriproducts
- Barastoc Breed N Grow
- Barastoc Calm Performer
- Barastoc Cool Command
- Barastoc Groom
- Barastoc Workhorse Mix
- Equi-Jewell
- Steam Flaked Barley
- Breeda
- Economix Active
- Gumnuts
- Formula 3
- Xtra Cool
- Bio Mare Cubes
- Easi Result
- Easi Ride
- Old Timer
- and a range of other Easifeeds
Omega Feeds
- Maxicoat
- No Grain Platinum
- No Grain Gold
- Pony Plus
- Weight Gain
Equilibrium Australia
- Equilibrium Mineral Mix (Yellow)
- Equilibrium Cool Mix (Blue)
Other Horse Feeds
- Copra Meal
- Molasses
- Happy Hooves, Weight Lifter Calm
- Bran, Millmix, Pollard
- Chaff – Lucerne, Oaten, Wheaten, Double Mix
- Hay - Lucerne, Oaten, Wheaten
- Fibre Beet, Speedi Beet
- Maxisoy - Low GI super fibre pellets for horses
- Wood Shavings & Rice Hulls for bedding
Our major suppliers listed above do carry a range of products that we do not carry in stock. If you have looked at their website and have found a product that is of interest, give us a call and we will get into stock for you.
We also carry other products for the horse enthusiast; including feeders and troughs, drenches and supplements, horse rugs, horse shoes and nails and a small range of saddlery. Check out these products on our Animal/Pet Health and General Products pages.
Poultry Feed
Ridley Agriproducts
- Darling Downs Layer Mix 5kg & 20kg
- Golden Yolk Layer Pellets 5kg & 20kg
- Poultry Grain Mix 20kg
- Pullet Grower 5kg & 20kg
- Pullet Starter 5kg & 20kg
- Top Layer Mash 20kg
- Turkey & Meat Bird Grower 20kg
- Turkey & Meat Bird Starter 5kg & 20kg
Other Poultry Feeds and Products
- Sorghum
- Wheat
- Shellgrit
- Wood Shavings (for nest boxes)
- Feeders and Drinkers
- Wormers and insecticides
- Chicken tractors (ideal for four to ten chooks)
For more information on products to control internal and external parasites in poultry check out the Animal and Pet Health page. For feeders, drinkers and nest boxes, check out the Rapidplas website on the General Products page.
Layer Pullets for sale. We do have a supplier who delivers layer pullets to us three times per year. If you are looking for Layer Pullets give us a call.
Pig Feeds
Ridley Agriproducts
- Barastoc Pig Breeder Pellets
- Barastoc Pig Finisher Pellets
- Barastoc Pig Grower Pellets
- Ultra Wean 250 Crumbles
Other Pig Feeds
- Meat Meal
- Soybean Meal
Sheep and Cattle Feed
Ridley Agriproducts
- Baby Calf Pellets
- Beef Finisher Pellets
- Calf Rearer Pellets
- Ewe Supplement Pellets
- Feedlot Minerals Plus
- Feedlot 80 Plus
- Grow & Show Dry Feed Pellets
- Sheep & Cattle Pellets
Other Sheep and Cattle Feeds
- Olssons Dominator Dry Feed Blocks for sheep and cattle. (10% urea plus cottonseed meal; 15kg, 40kg, 100kg)
- Bentonite
- Bypas Drylick
- Causmag
- Cottonseed Meal, Soybean Meal, Canola Meal (sometimes product is not available)
- Dicalcium Phosphate
- Lime
- Molasses
- Molafos 15 (molasses based protein, energy and mineral supplement)
- Profelac Lamb and Kid Milk Replacer
- Profelac Silver Calf and Foal Milk Replacer
- Daisyvite Calf Milk Replacer
- Salt
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Soybean Meal
- Sulphur
- White Cottonseed
- Barley (Steamed Flaked) 20kg
- Barley (Whole) 20kg
- Corn (Cracked) 10kg, 20kg
- Corn (Whole) 20kg
- Lupins (Cracked) 30kg
- Oats 20kg
- Sorghum 20kg
- Sunflower (Black) 5kg, 25kg
- Wheat 10kg, 20kg